Strategy is a much used word these days, but one that is used loosely to cover a multitude of areas. We use it in the sense that it is crucial to know what you are trying to achieve, and have a shared plan of how this to be done. Most companies have a budget, but that is often created by taking the current situation and just 'adding a bit', without ever pausing to ask some more fundamental questions such as:-
What business are we in?
What are our key offerings in terms of goods and services? And,
How do these compare to our competitors offerings?
Who are our target markets?
Why are we in business?
What are the key dependencies within our business?
These are just a few of questions all businesses need to be able to answer. It is important that the whole business knows the plan, and the part they play within it; knows how they are being measured, what constitutes success and what the warning signs are.
If your strategy / plan is just a binder on the shelves of a few directors it will never really do its job of focusing, guiding and galvanising your organisation. We help ensure that you not only have a plan, but that it is properly communicated and understood, then followed up and enacted.
Lack of vision
Lack of information about key elements either within the business or the marketplace and the external environment
Unrealistic in terms of the degree of change or the resources required
Poor communication
Lack or follow-up
Failure to manage Change
Everybody 'too busy' doing what they always do
People don't understand their roles or the interdependencies. This is often linked to lack of proper and clear accountability.
Failure to communicate the plan effectively and build support
Call us now to find out how we can help you create a simple, effective strategy for your business.
First we concentrated on the management team's personal goals, and aligning these. Then they were aligned to the corporate objectives, & obstacles to Change were identified. Finally we prioritized the strategic aims and concluded the meeting with an action plan, which was regularly reviewed. Wellers Auctioneers, MD click here for more testimonials
In the same way as the tree bears the same fruit year after year, but each time new fruit, all lastingly valuable ideas in thinking must always be reborn.- Albert Schweitzer