Every project is a metaphorical journey involving meeting challenges, delivering results, leadership skills, problem solving, resource management and team work to name but a few! The Journey ® is a metaphorical project which examines and explores all these elements in a controlled, ‘safe’ microcosm.
The Journey ® is a facilitated, outdoors experience, which provides a series of situations and tasks for both team and individuals to learn about:-
And create a new environment and shared language for resolving & preventing misunderstandings.
If you are wondering if you can afford it, a better question might be, can you afford to have your project late, or over-budget, or a key team sub-optimised?
Are you ready to take yours?
We were looking for a completely new take on our senior management conference – themed on our new core values...Richard’s enthusiasm, expertise and total attention to detail ensured an event that delivered - Organisational Development Manager,The Manchester Airports Group
click here for more testimonials
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Article: Management and Change Management
Blog: We've been Trumped... or Brexit pt II
We cannot adopt the way of living that was satisfactory a hundred years ago. The world in which we live has changed, and we must change with it. - Felix Adler