Customer Care
Who Cares Wins- Understand the true financial implications of meeting (and failing to meet) your customers’ needs
- Experiential learning of how your customers’ really feel
- Learn how to listen to what they are really saying
- Communication skills
- Problem solving
- Neuro Linguistic Programming
- Influencing skills
- 1-to-1 coaching
- Action planning focused on your real business issues
- Follow-up to ensure practical application of these new skills
- Passion in your staff for satisfying customers
- Your customers feel valued and heard
- Motivated staff!
- Improved internal communications and processes
- Your business grows naturally....

Course Overview:
This a two day program with a one day follow-up session, to ensure that the benefits are locked in and applied in practice.
- You will use a combination of techniques, which span from world-class business techniques, to some of the latest ideas in effective customer communications.
- You will build a much deeper appreciation of your customers’ needs, problems and how they feel.
- You will learn new skills in rescuing your customers when things go wrong.
- You will ensure the voice of the customer is truly heard and acted upon.
Real change comes from learning not just 'How to' but 'Why it is important’. Our lively, interactive style makes this a real personal growth experience.
© I-Change Ltd. 2025
I-Change Limited is registered in England and Wales with companies house number 03254769 at: Munstead Lane, Godalming, Surrey, GU8 4AG