
Customer Care

Who Cares Wins


Course Overview:

This a two day program with a one day follow-up session, to ensure that the benefits are locked in and applied in practice.

Real change comes from learning not just 'How to' but 'Why it is important’. Our lively, interactive style makes this a real personal growth experience.

© I-Change Ltd. 2025
I-Change Limited is registered in England and Wales with companies house number 03254769 at: Munstead Lane, Godalming, Surrey, GU8 4AG

Testimonials: We were looking for a completely new take on our senior management conference – themed on our new core values...Richard’s enthusiasm, expertise and total attention to detail ensured an event that delivered - Organisational Development Manager,The Manchester Airports Group
click here for more testimonials

What's New?
Article: Management and Change Management
Blog: We've been Trumped... or Brexit pt II

If Beethoven had been killed in a plane crash at the age of 22, it would have changed the history of music... and of aviation. - Tom Stoppard

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