In essence it is a blend of three elements, and as with all blends the secret is in the mix!
A platform of networked laptops loaded with a groupware that enables the group to work in a collaborative, creative and safe environment. This is supported by a dedicated ‘technographer’ who ensures that the hardware functions smoothly and that the software can be driven and adapted as required.
A bespoke facilitation process that is designed specially to meet the needs of the group. This is supported by at least one highly experienced facilitator.
The people who are brought together to resolve the problem
What does that mean to me?
You can literally achieve a much more creative, appropriate solution in half the time
Once the session is finished your team can leave with a complete record of the session. This can be available in:-
Hard copy
Electronic format, either a floppy or posted to the intra or internet
This means that momentum is not lost and work on the project can continue
Once the team is familiar with the way of working, members can attend over the internet
Large numbers can be accommodate simultaneously up to 50 (and more if required)
This is one of the few ways you can ensure that you have reached true consensus as it promotes honest expression as all input in anonymous.
Issues are depoliticised
Ideas go forward based on merit not personality or power
How does it work?
The facilitator and the problem sponsor meet and agree before the session:-
How it will be run
Outputs required
Who needs to attend
The technology is delivered to whatever location you have selected and set-up and run by the technographer. The laptops are sub A4 sized and very unobtrusive
The facilitator gently guides the team through the process which enables them to:-
Process their ideas in parallel (simultaneously and anonymously.)
Build on each others ideas
Vote and rank ideas
Analyse and understand the data
Focus only on the areas that are in dispute (having identified both the things every one agrees on and those that are of no interest)
Plans actions and next steps
How can it be used?
For project teams
To help set or review strategies
As a break-out session aid in big conferences
Foe experiential learning
Strategy setting or review
Understanding Knowledge Management, e-Business or WAP
Richard has a depth of experience and a wealth of anecdotes which always helped me to see things differently and more clearly - Business Solutions Group Manager National Grid Wireless
click here for more testimonials
The truth is that our finest moments are most likely to occur when we are feeling deeply uncomfortable, unhappy, or unfulfilled. For it is only in such moments, propelled by our discomfort, that we are likely to step out of our ruts and start searching for different ways or truer answers. - M. Scott Peck