Here is a mindmap of all the Articles, just click on the one you wish to read to navigate there. Richard writes regular articles. These are now appearing on a regular basis in the business press.
Change Lessons from Obama's Mistakes in Health Care Reform: This Looks at the difficulties President Obama is encountering in changing the US healthcare system and trying to learn where he is failing and looks at a simple 5 step model for successful change
The Inevitability of Change: an exploration of how we think about Change and how this causes resistance, and how to defuse it
Deflating Resistance to Change: Examines a key challenge for today’s economic situation, how to successfully address resistance to Change and successfully implement those changes that are required
Sales, Change & Strategy: A simple tool to help you review your current business and personal sales strategy to help you focus on the real opportunities
Who Sets the Rules: A look at who should lead and the questions you need to ask to win in tomorrows market place
The Change Challenge for Professional Firms: An analysis of the challenges in professional firms such as lawyers and accountants to master change. This draws heavily on David Maister’s work "True Professionalism"
5 Steps to Successful Change: A simple 5 step plan how to manage strategic Change, of especial interest to HR professionals
Why Change Fails: a provocative exploration into the reasons why Change fails and HR’s role in that failure
Mutation & Evolution looks at the importance of Evolution in a changing world and examines the art of learning from mistakes
You Get the Results you Reward: An exploration of the relationship between Rewards & Results, which examines the art of picking the right ‘stroke’ for the right ‘folk’.
Sustainable Leadership: An examination of what it takes to lead a truly sustainable business in the 21st century, including some test questions
The Other Credit Crunch: An exploration of the power and importance in giving credit where it is due and feedback where it is required and its power to change behaviour
Sounding Board: The Value of a Sounding Board: or who should a leader listen to? This explores the value an outsider can bring to a leader and how this can impact on the quality of their leadership
Business Ethics: looks at the role business ethics plays in creating the right culture for success, and gives some guidance on getting them right
Communication Articles:
10 Reasons Why Communications Fail: This examines the reasons why communications fails so often and gives some useful tips how to avoid these costl mitakes
Strategic Communication: A simple guide to leaders to help them communicate clearly and powerfully in times of crisis
Miscommunication - an object lesson in how not to get your message over effectively. You are invited to learn from this true life story and improve your own communications strategy
Vital Communication: explains why communication is so crucial in not just business but the business of Change. It also uses some NLP precepts to help examine this
Other Articles:
Fishing for Business: This examines the reasons why communications fails so often and gives some useful tips how to avoid these costly mistakes.
Experts and Questions: This one looks at both how we respond to receiving expert advice and the best way to use it. It also includes some good questions to be asking yourself now
The Power of the Dark Side - examines the impact of the flipside of our strengths and how this can lead to ruin, plus some handy pointers at avoiding this trap
Design to Innovate: An exploration of the impact Design can have on your business, even if you are a service company! Design is as much about how you see and value things as how they look.
Gold Medal Performance: Sir Steve Redgrave, shares his recipe for success and goal setting
Are you a 'Secret Survivor'?: are you thriving or just surviving? This looks at the role of the flight/fight mechanism has in our lives
Why are you working so hard? Helps look at the real motivation behind your hard work and checks if you are on purpose
Risky Business: an article on risk management, and some strategies to deal with this
A Question of Questions: explores the importance of good questions and what they can teach us
Following the course at Henley, Richard has supported and coached me through the assessments and also through the period of uncertainty and change within the business. Richards's comfortable and relaxed style helped me work through new evaluation techniques and models. - General Manager - Estates National Grid Wireless
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