Business Articles:
Here is a mindmap of all the Articles, just click on the one you wish to read to navigate there. Richard writes regular articles. These are now appearing on a regular basis in the business press.
Change Articles:
Leadership Articles:
Culture Articles:
- Out of the Box: looks at a well known scientific experiment and what it teaches us about creating a Change adverse environment
- 100th Monkey Syndrome - or what it takes to make change happen: examines another famous experiment and it's lessons for Change
- It ain't what you do, it's the way that you do it!: explores the importance of HOW things are done. And the crucial component of doing not only the right things, but doing them the right way
- Business Ethics: looks at the role business ethics plays in creating the right culture for success, and gives some guidance on getting them right
Communication Articles:
- 10 Reasons Why Communications Fail: This examines the reasons why communications fails so often and gives some useful tips how to avoid these costl mitakes
- Strategic Communication: A simple guide to leaders to help them communicate clearly and powerfully in times of crisis
- Miscommunication - an object lesson in how not to get your message over effectively. You are invited to learn from this true life story and improve your own communications strategy
- Vital Communication: explains why communication is so crucial in not just business but the business of Change. It also uses some NLP precepts to help examine this
Other Articles:
- Fishing for Business: This examines the reasons why communications fails so often and gives some useful tips how to avoid these costly mistakes.
- Experts and Questions: This one looks at both how we respond to receiving expert advice and the best way to use it. It also includes some good questions to be asking yourself now
- The Power of the Dark Side - examines the impact of the flipside of our strengths and how this can lead to ruin, plus some handy pointers at avoiding this trap
- Coaching - what has it done for us?: A review of the benefits and reason for investing in executive coaching.
- Design to Innovate: An exploration of the impact Design can have on your business, even if you are a service company! Design is as much about how you see and value things as how they look.
- Gold Medal Performance: Sir Steve Redgrave, shares his recipe for success and goal setting
- Are you a 'Secret Survivor'?: are you thriving or just surviving? This looks at the role of the flight/fight mechanism has in our lives
- Why are you working so hard? Helps look at the real motivation behind your hard work and checks if you are on purpose
- Risky Business: an article on risk management, and some strategies to deal with this
- A Question of Questions: explores the importance of good questions and what they can teach us
- Are you dot competent? Looks at some of the lessons of the dot com boom
Mini Articles:
- There are a series of mini articles on the blog that may also be of interest
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I-Change Limited is registered in England and Wales with companies house number 03254769 at: Munstead Lane, Godalming, Surrey, GU8 4AG